Why Are We Needed

Birmingham is a vibrant, young city but like any city it has many problems.

The City Council has had to cut £730 million since 2010 and there are likely to be further accumulative savings of £81m by 2024. This has had an impact on our city’s vulnerable adults with official services becoming harder to access and more restricted in how they can help. Many people feel trapped in a cycle of poverty and poor mental health with no prospect of life improving.
Just Caring Midlands seeks to reach out to those who are struggling and alone. We offer befriending and mentoring, to help those we support find "a Hope and a Future".


1.4 million people are living in relative poverty in the West Midlands

that’s nearly 1 in 4 people

Source: Poverty in the UK: statistics, House of Commons Library

54% of low income families believe their children will have a worse life than their own

Source: Birmingham Child Poverty Commission Report

12,785 people in Birmingham are homeless

that's 1 in every 88 people

Source: Shelter Report: Far From Alone

Levels of wellbeing for people in Birmingham are well below the national average

Birmingham also has well above the national average number of people "experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage"

Source: University of Birmingham Mental Health in the West Midlands Combined Authority

“Because of this combination of cuts and spending pressures we may not be able to deliver many of the services we now offer, and it may even become more and more difficult to deliver those that we are required to provide to an appropriate quality.”  


BCC Adults and Social Care Review Green Paper