Autumn Jobs

Autumn Jobs

November 14, 2019 Anne Bell 0

It may be getter colder and darker outside but there is still lots to keep us busy at the Gardening Project.

Outside things may be dying but in our polytunnel spring is already starting! We've been sowing lots of seeds to give them a head start next year. Some plants need exposure to colder weather to trigger their seeds into germination.

It's not just us who don't like hanging around in the cold weather. Some of our half hardy plants, like the dahlias, prefer to be inside over winter. We've moved them into a raised bed in the polytunnel until the weather warms up again.

The ground is very, very wet. It is far too squelchy to work in the lower vegetable garden. The benefit of all the rain is that our pond is now full. In fact, it's so full we've had to dig an overflow channel to direct the excess water away from our neighbours' gardens.

From sprouting fungi to autumn leaves to the end of the summer flowers, there is still so much beauty and interest in the garden to inspire and encourage us. We'll just spend more time admiring it from inside the shed with a cup of tea...

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